In English
Finnish Chiropodists and Podiatrists Association (unofficial translation) was established in 1960 to bring together chiropodists and podiatrists in Finland. Association’s aim is to promote podiatry profession, maintain and improve professional competence and support collegial environment among podiatry professionals in Finland.
Executive authority belongs to Board of the Association (president, vice-president, 3-6 members and 1-3 vice-members). In addition, 1-2 podiatry student representatives are invited to the board meetings. Via monthly meetings, the Board directs the functions of the Associations. All statutory points listed in the Constitution of a Foundation are handled and decided in the annual general meeting.
The Associations organized annually a national conference, Podiatry Days, to its members, students and all other professional interested about foot health. In addition, the Association promotes the clinical skills of members by arranging shorter practical educational sessions of certain topics (e.g. fascia method, taping techniques).
The Association accepts as members persons who have chiropodists or podiatrist degree.
Finnish Chiropodists and Podiatrists Association is official member of the International Federation of Podiatrists (FIP) and European Council of Podiatrists (ECP).